Saturday, February 24, 2029

The Mayan Calendar | The Cholq'ij (Tzolkin) & the daysigns

How this site works:

Each daysign tells us a little bit about the personality of any person born on that day. There are twenty daysign. Learn about each of them below. Click on any (or all of them) to get detailed information about each one. If you don't know your sign, please try the Mayan date calculator to find what you are and learn more about yourself and your sign. Enjoy!

The Daysigns:


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Daysigns and the Academy Awards

You may have just watched the Academy Awards and wondered about a few of your favorite actors like my wife did. Here are the daysigns of six of them--three men and three women. Two of them are what I think are snubs. I loved the Grand Budapest Hotel and thought Tilda Stinson should
have won something. Also, I think Ryan Gosling is the best actor in this generation. Anyway, what do you care what I think. Here are the daysigns:

2 Road - Patricia Arquette
4 Road - Michael Keaton

9 Jaguar - Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

7 Water - Edward Norton
13 Water - Julianne Moore

The Snubs

3 Corn - Ryan Gosling
10 Crocodile - Tilda Swinton

If you want to know more about each sign, click the glyphs on the top right of your screen. Thanks.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Your Daysign on the Mayan Calendar | Ancient Calendar Wisdom

Welcome to the Sacred Mayan Calendar: the Cholq'ij & Haab

Here you will find information about each of the twenty Mayan Daysigns from Crocodile to Ancestors. A daysign, in case you haven't heard, is a power attributed to each day by the sacred wisdom of the Mayan Calendar. Each daysign has its own characteristics and the people born on that day can learn a lot about themselves by learning about their day. Click the link below to learn your daysign and its meanings. Feel free to roam around and check out family members and/or famous people. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I'll get back to you shortly. 

Learn about Your Daysign on the Mayan Calendar

"Each day in the sacred Maya calendar has a meaning. It tells us about the relationship among all things, including the animals, the land, humans, and everything in the cosmos." --Hermelinda Sapon Pu, K'iche' Maya, Daykeeper

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Buy The Sacred Calendar: Twenty Poems about the Cholq'ij by Ralph-Michael Chiaia | Includes Descriptions of Each Mayan Daysign including your sign | Plus descriptions of Travel in Guatemala and Mexico and life in the Rainforest

You can checkout using paypal and I'll send one directly to you. If you want, you can have one signed.

Save by Buying More Books!

Love Amazon? Then check out Chiaia's Books on Amazon

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Four Gifts | Mayan Gifts | Chocolate | Tomato | Knowledge | Astronomy | the Cholq'ij | Thanks

What are the four gift the Maya have given us?

  1. Chocolate (which was first called xocola'j and used in chile sauces like "mole" and is still taken as a drink first thing in the morning)
  2. The Tomato (I equate the tomato to my native Italian food, but the Italians took the pasta from China and Tomato from the Maya)
  3. Societal Collapse thanks to scarce food sources and overpopulation (this should empower those calling for awareness of climate change and the ills to humans it may cause soon)
  4. The Sacred Calendar (these great big cogs of time turn and the ones on which we land influence our thinking and our being. There is great wisdom in the Mayan Calendar that has been kept secret for all these years)
I moved to Mexico in 1996. I was planning to do a two week writing workshop and then become a novelist in NYC. Instead I stayed for a few years, traveling most of the major ruins (and some that are virtually unknown), taking pictures, penning poems, dating women, having a flash wedding, getting into all kinds of trouble. All of this was with the constant tick ticking of the Haab & Cholq'ij spinning in the background: one mighty mayan notch of time at a time. 

To commemorate the incredible wisdom of the Mayan Sacred Calendar, and express my sheer awe and inspiration at the spinning hands and dials of the Cholq'ij, I wrote these twenty poems contained in the Sacred Calendar. Read some reviews and learn more about the book that can change the way you view yourself and your loved ones. 


Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Sacred Mayan Calendar | All Daysigns Explained | The Cholq'ij | Mystic Mayan Energy | Wisdom | The Tzolkin | Daykeeper: Aj Q'ij | Full Descriptions from Crocodile to Ancestors


Thanks for visiting my blog about the Sacred Mayan Calendar. Here you will find all the information you want about each day on the calendar and its meanings, about your own Mayan Daysign and its meanings, and find links to my books if you're hooked and want even more information. Hope you enjoy what I find incredibly interesting. 

About my Interest in the Cholq'ij Sacred Calendar

Many of you know that I spent a lot of time in Mexico & Guatemala when I was younger. During that time I had a chance to learn to speak Spanish. What many of you probably do not know is that I also learned a bit of some other languages like Triqui, Chinanteco (which has one of the most beautiful words I've ever heard in any language to date -- "la" with a rising and falling pitch -- it means Earth), and most importantly K'iche'.

Why is K'iche' so important and what is it? 

The K'iche' Maya have, in my opinion, the greatest cultural heritage of the Maya. See more about K'iche' here. While I lived in Xelaju Noj (aka Quetzaltenango) I studied with a Mayan Daykeeper named Roberto Poz. Recently, three of my students in Hankook University of Foreign Studies in Seoul asked me about it -- I don't even know how they heard that I'd studied to be a daykeeper. They wanted to know their signs (there are twenty of them, and they offer insight into the personality and tendencies of a person). I gave them a write up about their sign (all of them came out to be Serpent). It occurred to me that other people might be interested in knowing their sign and the meaning behind it. I searched online and found a Mayan date calculator which will tell you your mayan daysign if you type in your birthday. Then you can follow the daysign links below to know more about each sign. I am completing the list slowly. If I don't have your sign, send me an email or leave a comment and I'll get to it.

My Book about the Cholq'ij Sacred Calendar

Also, all the twenty daysigns are defined and have poems written about them and in honor to them in my book The Sacred Calendar (available at Amazon: Cholq'ij Sacred Calendar and Smashwords: Cholq'ij Sacred Calendar). Check out all the free information on this site and if you like what you see, have a look at my book. It's available in paperback and eBook forms (with eBooks available in just about every format).

How this site works:

Below are the twenty signs of the Sacred Mayan Calendar. Click on any (or all of them) to get detailed information about each one. If you don't know your sign, please try the Mayan date calculator to find what you are and learn more about yourself and your sign. Enjoy!

The Daysigns:


Discover More Now
If you need anything else, please ask. Leave a comment or email me at the link above. If you want to know someone's daysign just ask. I was recently asked about Steve Jobs and added him in (he was born Ancestors, if you're curious). Thanks for your interest.

Discover more about the Cholq'ij with Twenty Poems for the Twenty Sacred Calendar Days. Much of this information is secret knowledge reserved for daykeepers and shaman in Mexico--Yucatan, Chiapas, Quintana Roo, Oaxaca--Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. Discover some of these secrets revealed in poetry.

External Links and some photos:

Check out some photos of the Maya.

What is Magic? (a site devoted to Mayan ceremonies)


Quetzalcoatl on the Calendar Round

Mayan girl with baby

Palenque (in the heart of the Lacandon Forest)

Jaguar | I'x | Cholq'ij | Sacred | Mayan | Calendar | Tzolkin | Daykeeper | Shaman | Magic

Jaguar (I'x)

The Jaguar is one of two warrior classes (the other is Eagle). The Jaguar is a highly intuitive sign. Those born on this day have a kind of a priori intelligence -- an unseen wisdom. They are patient, practical, decisive, strong, and energetic. They are hunters with massive sexual appetites. Their downfall is that they are overbearing and need to be the center of attention.

Often those born on Jaguar acquire great wealth, but this comes with sacrifice. They are highly tuned into the otherworld -- with Death as their past sign and Ancestors as their feminine power -- and are in the process of transformation. If a Jaguar Native resists change then illness or misfortune will come. Think of Ali being stripped of the heavyweight title. He not only embodied transformation in himself, but for an entire generation. The future sign of the Jaguar is Wind (a tumultuous sign) and the Rabbit is on the right sign bringing luck. For Ali, he was lucky enough to be able to use his Jaguar Warrior cunning against George Foreman in the Rumble in the Jungle. The rope-a-dope worked and the heavy favorite punched himself out and Ali scored the KO right before the rains washed into Kinshala.

Mohammed Ali Knocks Out George Foreman in the Rumble in the Jungle

Ali was the Jaguar Knight representing the voice of the Planet

Notable Native Jaguars:
Mohammed Ali (7)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (12) 

Back to Main Calendar Page

Check out the Animated Novella-in-Verse Video Glyphic

Corn | Daysign from the Sacred Mayan Calendar | the Cholq'ij | Aj Q'ij | Tzolkin

Corn (Aj)

People born with the daysign Corn are nice, attentive, helpful, and grateful. They often have enemies who are jealous of how everything they touch multiplies. They are talented with plants. They are good at raising pets and children. They sometimes let people bother them easily and have marital troubles.

Fun Fact:

This is the day that the Aztecs believed that Quetzalcoatl would return to Earth. It was also the day that Cortez first made contact with the Aztecs, which is the main reason they let him into Tenochtitlan rather than obliterating him and his Spanish army.

Notable Corn Native:
Barack Hussein Obama (9)
Quentin Tarantino (11)


Check out the Animated Novella-in-Verse Video Glyphic

Monkey | Daysign from the Sacred Mayan Calendar | Cholq'ij | Tzolkin | Mayan Magic | Lindsay Lohan | Hunter Pence | #HunterPenceSigns #HunterPence(Day)signs

Monkey (B'atz')

These are fun loving people who love goofing off. They entertain others. When I spent time living in the Lacandon Forest the monkeys would often blindside you by creeping over you in the trees and then suddenly peeing on you. This is the humor of the monkey and monkey natives possess this trait in spades. They are also tenacious Masters of the arts, intelligent, and sage-like. They like to teach and lead by example. They make charismatic leaders. They still often have problems solving their own problems, like Lindsay Lohan. San Francisco Giants Outfielder Hunter Pence, possibly most famous for Hunter Pence Signs, is well known for the unorthodox swing that gave kids all over the world the knowledge that you can be successful doing things your way and do not need to ever fit into some kind of preconceived mold.

Notable Monkey Native:
Lindsay Lohen (7)
Hunter Pence (10)

Three time World Champion Hunter Pence gave some awesome speeches in 2014.


Check out the Animated Video Glyphic

Dog | One of the coolest glyphs on the Cholq'ij

Dog (Tz'i')

Dog natives are authoritarian, just, faithful, protective, and extremely loving. They are able to undo and correct problems. They are courageous, alert, kind, and harmonious. They are overtly sexual. Some potential negative traits they can inherit are arrogance, sexual deviance, insecurity, and weakness.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Ancestors | Ajpu | Ahua | Cholq'ij | Tzolkin

Ancestors (Ajpu)

This is the day that Steve Jobs was born. It is a powerful sign full of body lightning. You may have heard that Jobs was famous for employing his Reality Distortion Field (RDF) where he could make people believe in anything. According to Mayan wisdom, this RDF is possible by tapping into the history of the ancestors. In a similar way to Jungian Collective Unconscious, the Ancestors native possesses a great DNA data bank of information that s/he may access when necessary. That is why the Mayan daykeepers believe that this day has lots of cuyopa.

Ancestors natives are honest, courageous, a wise. They make natural community leaders willing to sacrifice themselves. They make excellent daykeepers. With all this power, they have negative tendencies also to be predators, angry, vengeful, and avoid responsibility for their mistakes.


Rabbit | Powerful Daysign with Cuyope | Body Lightning | Venus | Q'anil| Cholq'ij | Tzolkin | Lamat

Rabbit (Q'anil)

This is the Rabbit but it is also known as Venus. It happens to be my wife's sign so I find this one complicated to write about. If you read my book you will find a poem laced with Venus, Jasmine Flowers, Glowworms, and Sexual Tension. Here's a stanza from the poem:

the rains have cleared away the dirt
leaving tonight pristine
Venus is up there
bright and metallic,
the jasmine flowers open now
the smell
makes glowworms and fireflies
light up

Rabbits are great cultivators of the earth and thus fertile in all respects. They are successful, intelligent, fortunate, and wealthy by nature and circumstance. They are hard workers, intuitive, emotional, and harmonious. They have exceptionally high EQs and may not use logic where others would. This is great when all is working well. Sadly, they may struggle to communicate. They find articulating this off-the-charts EQ to other folk nearly impossible. Thus, they can be quarrelsome gossipers who cause disorder and war. Former OSS operative who became the King of Silk in Thailand is 7 Rabbit. His life of hardwork and using his eyes to bring the world beautiful silk is typical of a Rabbit native as is his trouble with American Foreign Policy and his mysterious disappearance. When Rabbit natives keep themselves in balance they are wonderful people and I'm lucky to have one for a wife. However, they should be weary of quietly and abstractly expressing too much negativity. 

Famous Rabbit Native:
Jim Thompson (7 Rabbit)


Learn More

I drew a glyph on the balcony door with my son's marker


Deer | Mayan Daysign | the Cholq'ij | The Sacred Calendar | Mayan Mistic Magic | Tzolkin

Deer (Kej)

Deer natives are strong people, both spiritually and physically. They are agile and intelligent, which often makes them able to persuade people. They are often respected in their communities and hold great responsibility. They must avoid causing others hardship. They hold great power and most use it wisely.

Notable Deer Natives:
Carlos Castaneda (3)
Allen Ginsberg (7)
Pope John Paul II (10)


Death | Kame | Cholq'ij | Tzolkin | Sacred Mayan Calendar | Mayan Magic

Death (Kame)

Death natives are usually very patient people. They seems to always be able to cope with problems. They have no fear of death, which helps them, but must be in harmony with their daysign, or else they can suffer untimely deaths. They should avoid being vengeful and being unfaithful in love and commerce.


Lizard | K'at | Cholq'ij | Sacred Mayan Calendar

(K'at) - Cholq'ij

Lizard People are collectors of things: thoughts, ideas, emotions. The are natural negotiators. They remain youthful and passionate regardless of age. They are opposed to fighting. They are generally good-natured but can have a very bad influence on other people.

Famous Lizard: Jim Morrison

Read more about the Cholq'ij in The Sacred Calendar (Paperback and Kindle eBook)


Crocodile (Imox) | Day One on the Sacred Cholq'ij Calendar of the Maya | Tzolkin | Daysigns

This is the first day of the Calendar. This is the dawn of the universe.

It is when the beast crawled out of the primordial soup. Crocodile natives are intuitive people in touch with their dreams. This often makes them productive, creative, and diligent workers. They are pensive yet brave, social yet cooperative. They are often trendsetters: people way ahead of their times. They must watch being indecisive and chaotic.

Back to Main Calendar Page

Want to read more about the Sacred Calendar? Try Ralph's book The Sacred Calendar

Monday, July 14, 2014

Animated Glyphic (Novella in Verse) | by Ralph-MIchael Chiaia | I Am Another Yourself | The Sacred Calendar author

Discover the Animated Glyphic Novella in Verse by Chiaia on YouTube. There's absolutely nothing like it. It's based of part 7 of my book Glyphic: I Am Another Yourself the Novella in Verse by Ralph-Michael Chiaia. There is tribal music by Supaman and animation by Dacio G. It is the animated telling of the part of Glyphic when little Mayan men steal the letters he is writing and the waitress pours them (all out of order) into his tea cup and tells him to drink. This is the process of nourishment. He vomits an inner explosion and we see a psychedelic climax and the first seeds of a love affair. See it for yourself:

The Video Features Awesome Music

If you don't already know Supaman, he is a very talented musician. He's a rapper, dancer, song stylist, beat boxer, singer, DJ, and more. Check him out for yourself at ReverbNation or Twitter.

The Animation Rocks

If you want to know more about Dacio G., check out his site El Pix. He's done some really cool work for some big brands like Jumex (the big juice maker in Mexico).

The Creator of Glyphic

If you don't already know me, I'm Ralph. I'm a poet, novelist, father, adventurer. I'm been a florist in New Jersey, owned and managed a bar in Seoul, South Korea, and am now unhinged and being nothing more than a dad and a writer. Pretty fun stuff! This animated project was one of the most fun things I've ever been a part of. Much love to Supaman and Dacio for their input.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Sacred Calendar

buy for any e-reader
The Sacred Calendar is out. It is a book of twenty poems, one for each day of the Chol Q'ij. The Spanish conquered MesoAmerica in the 1500s, what is now Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala. Much of the culture of the K'iche' and other Mayan peoples was lost, but deep in the rain-forests of the Lacandon and el Peten the secrets of the calendar are still very much alive. Often the Mayan Calendar is known only as predictor of apocalypse, but the calendar is much more. This book explores the meaning of each of the twenty daysigns.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Four Gifts the Maya gave you for which you have never said Thank You | xocola'j

What are the four gift the Maya have given us?

  1. Chocolate (which was first called xocola'j and used in chile sauces like "mole" and is still taken as a drink first thing in the morning)
  2. The Tomato (I equate the tomato to my native Italian food, but the Italians took the pasta from China and Tomato from the Maya)
  3. Societal Collapse thanks to scarce food sources and overpopulation (this should empower those calling for awareness of climate change and the ills to humans it may cause soon)
  4. The Sacred Calendar (these great big cogs of time turn and the ones on which we land influence our thinking and our being. There is great wisdom in the Mayan Calendar that has been kept secret for all these years)
I moved to Mexico in 1996. I was planning to do a two week writing workshop and then become a novelist in NYC. Instead I stayed for a few years, traveling most of the major ruins (and some that are virtually unknown), taking pictures, penning poems, dating women, having a flash wedding, getting into all kinds of trouble. All of this was with the constant tick ticking of the Haab & Cholq'ij spinning in the background: one mighty mayan notch of time at a time. 

To commemorate the incredible wisdom of the Mayan Sacred Calendar, and express my sheer awe and inspiration at the spinning hands and dials of the Cholq'ij, I wrote these twenty poems contained in the Sacred Calendar. Read some reviews and learn more about the book that can change the way you view yourself and your loved ones. 


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Water (Toj) is a sign of Life & Creativity featuring notable natives from Oprah Winfrey to Bill Clinton | This happens to be the day the massive tsunami of 2011 struck Japan

Water (Toj) 

Water is a sign of life and creativity. People born on this sign have great communication skill and make good leaders in the community. Unfortunately, it is also a day of difficulty and danger. It is a day of excess and people born on this daysign must watch for vices and for sickness. It easy for Water natives to go too deep into the abstract world of the ideal and fall off the deep end, so to speak. They must remain grounded in a concrete reality. Persistence and consistency will keep the Water native on the correct track and let her creativity shine.

My son was born on this day in 2011 and it was the day that a massive tsunami struck Japan so hard that it loosened a nuclear reactor. That is the massively destructive force of this daysign. However, if this wild power is harnessed it is a very special sign that can achieve great things that most people dare to dream.

Notable Water Natives:

Saddam Hussein (11)
Madonna (4)
Bill Clinton (5)
Oprah (8)
John Lennon (10)
Mick Jagger (3)
Salvador Dali (9)


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Vulture (Ajmaq)

The Vulture - Ajmaq - Cib - K'ib' - Owl

Ajmaq means "vulture" in K'iche'. This is a slow, goodhearted sign. It is

highly sensual. Forgiveness, pardon, karmic clean out and an easy going nature all describe this energy. Ajmaq natives do well in business and easily accumulate money. The way a vulture will sit in the sun and wait for an opportunity, the natives of this daysign will wait for good things to come to them. Some may get irritated with the Vulture's laziness, but this is overwhelmingly a sign of pardon and forgiveness so the Vulture is well-liked.

Ajmaq natives excel in their chosen careers, becoming comfortable with authority figures without giving up personal power. Pardon and sin, the dark of the night and the first ray of morning light represent Ajmaq: there is a duality barely perceptible in this sign. When the vulture ravenously devours carrion it transforms its energy. In this way, the Vulture is the Mayan symbol of rebirth and regeneration -- like the phoenix rising from the fire. The story goes that a Vulture native's offenses and irresponsibility’s have been eternally pardoned. That being said, the word "ajmaq" means "sinner" in K'iche'.

Ajmaq, in addition to pardon, is a day for introspection. In ancient times, this was a day of rest in which you reflected upon your acts and their consequences, whether they were conscious or unconscious. The major an Ajmaq person can commit is to disbelieve in oneself. Therefore, this is a favorable day to ask forgiveness for the offenses that you have committed against yourself. Ajmaq is also a day that one recuperates and connects with the visions of universal reality. The Vulture is well connected with the elders and authority and in this way is wise.

Notable Vulture Natives:
Katy Perry (3)


Want to read more about the Sacred Calendar?
Try Ralph's book The Sacred Calendar

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Road (E)

This is the day of the road, the sac be (K'iche'). This would be something like saying "the right path" in English. This day represents the ladder, the road, the path -- the successful path. To the native of this sign, the road is the strength, power and energy that cause a person to begin a trip, a job, a
commission and all things concerning the realization of being human. Therefore, Road natives are often quite successful in business. Road indicates the middle, the form, and the condition of the course of your life. It indicates the lines that should be followed, the sacred road, the “white road” of purity. On another level the “white road” goes from one temple to another, or from one city or ceremonial center to another. In this way, those born on the day Road possess a clean spirituality and lots of vitality.

This sign is the energy of the action, the energy that acquires experience while opening roads. The intermediation, the search of new things and the conciliation among different visions. Road people bring in an innovative strength that at times provokes confrontation. They know which way is the right way and are not shy to tell other people.

Back to the Sacred Calendar

Flint (Tijax) | The Day of the Obsidian Blade | A good day to cut out problems

Mayan Calendar Daysigns
Glyph: Tijax
Flint or Tijax is a smbol of life, liberation, miracle, healing, and surgery. The daysign glyph shows a step-pyramid and some energy shot between the roofcombs and the rest of the universe. The flint knife during the Classic Mayan period was used for surgeries. So the cut of the flint knife is a symbol of healing more than violence. Natives born on this daysign are usually practical, well-coordinated, and social. Also, natives of this sign are usually interested in balance and harmony.

During Mayan ceremonies, this day is used to cut out problems and protect people from witchcraft.

my rendition of tijax - flint
The word tijax represents the "chay of xibalba" which is the obsidian of the underworld in K'iche' ("chay" means obsidian and "xibalba" is the word for the Mayan underwold). This leads to a kind of double meaning. Obsidian is a kind of double edged sword. Although the stone is beautiful, it is very difficult to work with and takes much effort to polish. Also, we should evaluate the symbolism of the glyph: a pyramid with lightning rods shooting. This is sometimes translated as "earthquake" or "shaking" because the glyph may represent the house of the underword giving and receiving energy in a kind of shaking (or even purging) action. In modern idiomatic English this is like "a good kick in the pants." People of this daysign have the power to do the difficult things necessary for betterment. In this way, they are like surgeons using a knife to heal.

Notable Flint Native:
Alex Rodriguez (5)


Want to read more about the Sacred Calendar? Try Ralph's book The Sacred Calendar

Incense - No'j | a thoughtful sign from the Sacred Mayan Calendar

Incense (No'j)

No'j is the K'iche' word for incense and it symbolizes meditative thought. The Classic Mayab Ajpuob (the old Kings and Royalty) used many bloodletting techniques to ruminate on difficult questions. A king would put himself in a hole and go without eating for a few days. He would then pierce his tongue or penis and thread rope into the piercing. Then he would light the rope on fire and make a kind of blood incense. The blood would drip down the burning rope and the smoke went to heaven. The king would wait for a vision to then tell him the answer to whatever difficult question was at hand. In this way, the daysign Noj, or incense, is known as the thinker. Natives of this sign are mentally active, practical, reflective, and visionary. They are often leaders in their communities.

Like in the bloodletting ceremony, Noj natives bring the power of communication into the familiar as well as into the sublime. They are a kind of conduit. They are able to communicate with all manners of intelligence, whether galactic, inter-dimensional, or concrete. This means that with the subtle instrument of the mind they are able to travel through space and time, giving them a full range of action and a spiritually advanced conscience. They have great wisdom and cuyopa body lightnening. In addition to synchronizing the vibrations of the collective memory, the Noj native governs and studies the sciences of the human mind. Applying their power and wisdom to something useful for humankind is their greatest test in this life.

Notable Incense Native:
Pope Francisco (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) - 9 Incense 

click the calendar stone on the right sidebar to go back to the Sacred Calendar home.

Lord Pakal

Lord Pakal
I once visited Pakal-Na (Pakal's House)

Twenty Poems and Daysign Descriptions

Learn more about the Sacred Cholq'ij Calendar